Men suffer at least once in their lives from a problem that usually affects their mind, and their stability in their relationship and that c...
Premature ejaculation is not something that has no solution, on the contrary, there are many exercises and medications like Kamagra that will help you control this problem. Kamagra is a drug that helps concentrate all the blood in a man's penis, helping him maintain an erection for longer and enjoy sexual intercourse much more.
However, before facing a problem, we must be clear about what is causing this problem. This is not easy to deal with and will require you to go to a treating doctor to evaluate your situation. One of the things that most help to improve this problem is that you talk about it, either with your partner, with the doctor, or with a therapeutic psychologist.
These are the most common causes of premature ejaculation
1-. Biological causes
One of the problems why men can suffer from premature ejaculation is due to a neurological disorder, this may be an alteration in the serotonin receptors or their sensitivity. It may be due to a genetic disorder that could alter the sensitivity of these receptors. In this case, your doctor will be able to study your situation and prescribe some medication or treatment that will help you lead a life without premature ejaculation.
2-. You don't have relationships frequently
Many times, men who do not have sexual relations frequently may have a greater tendency to ejaculate prematurely, however, this is something that is solved by maintaining frequent and stable relations.
3-. Psychological illnesses
One of the reasons a man may have premature ejaculation is depression, a severe case of stress, or bipolar disorder.
4-. Infections
Another cause that may be causing premature ejaculation in men is infections in the urinary tract or prostate. These can be treated without problems with antibiotics prescribed by doctors.
5-. Vices
Men who smoke and drink a lot of alcohol often have many problems with erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation, among others. It is important that you stop these vices so that your sexual life and your life in general improve remarkably.